Now parents, what's the worst thing that could happen after buying two cheap, $3 Made in China plastic bubble guns, er, shooters? The worst thing is that ONE works. Lots of crying and screaming involved. The poor Pear, who actually helped me pick them out and chose specific colors for himself and the Worm, got the shoddy one. Now, my kids are okay at sharing, but when they are given their own pretty new toy in their own special colors, they are not willing to part with said toy easily. I had no other choice but to take the cheap, $3 Made in China "shooter" apart and fix the wiring myself. It misfired a little, but worked, and the Worm and Pear were happy again.

Tiny bubbles.

I also bought each kid their own small flower pot, with hopes of planting some seeds today. I got everything set up, gardening gloves, potting soil, spades and water. We were ready to go, except somewhere along the way, we lost the pack of seeds. I was convinced they fell through the cracks of the deck and tried to peek under. When I moved a brick out of the way, something - and I have to tell you I have NO IDEA what it was - hissed at me. It definitely wasn't a cat hiss, so I was creeped out. Needless to say, I stopped looking for the seeds.
The Pear was having fun digging in the dirt so I went ahead and let him fill his pot. Taylor and I found some seeds from 2007 and planted them. Do seeds go bad? I'm not hopeful.

While the Pear napped, I mowed the lawn and weed whacked. I have an obsession with weed whacking and use my Worx battery-powered edger/trimmer several times a week. I love it. Despite my best efforts, we had some nasty dandelions this year. I think I've finally gotten rid of them all and like the direction the lawn seems to be headed in. I'm such a nerd.

Once Mike came home and I showered, we did one of my favorite family activites - eating on the back deck! Mike grilled a steak (I don't eat steak, therefore I don't cook it!) and I made grilled shrimp and sides. Yummy!

Off to bed! Have a great night!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel