(Note: I linked this post onto Kelly's Korner "Show us Your Halloween Costume" post.)
We had trick-or-treating tonight. No, it's not Halloween or Halloween Eve, but I'm alright with it since tonight was the only night that didn't suck weather-wise. The Worm decided to be Daphne from Scooby Doo and since the Pear hates to have anything on his head (see previous post for evidence of this), he got to be Superman. He just loved his costume!
Taylor's costume came with a wig, but the child has inherited my gigantic head and it didn't fit quite right. We went with orange spray instead. It was a PIA to wash out and then clean off the towels, hair brush, bath tub, etc., but it was worth it because she looked soooo cute!

As I mentioned, Michael was all about the Superman costume and actually got a little upset when he saw that Taylor was dressed before him. Here's my boy of steel.

This is the best I could do getting a picture of the two of them together...

...Apparently this is what Taylor considers "putting her arm around" her brother.
We hit up about 20 houses, then came home to inspect the goods. By this point the Pear was on a major sugar high. He actually laid down on top of his candy and made swimming motions. It was hilarious.

It's mine. All mine.

A couple other pictures around the neighborhood: