...Mike is 40! Happy Birthday to my dear other half. I can make fun of his age a little, because the guy is in better shape than pretty much anyone I know.
He picked out a new DVD recorder for himself and the kids and I got him a pair of Nike pool sandals, partly because he always steals mine. Yes, we have the same shoe size (actually my feet are a tad bigger). No big parties. Just church and out to dinner Saturday night (his actual birthday) and my special lasagna and chocolate chip cookies tonight. Mike doesn't eat sweets, but will splurge on c.c. cookies a few times a year. Probably has something to do with why he is in better shape than pretty much anyone I know.
Enjoying lasagna, rolls and salad.
Enjoying chocolate chip cookies.
Not enjoying the aftermath.Today is also our little neighbor Ben's first birthday! Hard to believe it's been a whole year since this little cutie was born. His family headed back East for the birthday extravaganza this weekend, so we stopped by Thursday night with gifts.
The Worm helping Ben while the Pear supervises.

Michael got a sports set like this from Scott, Laurie and Tony for his 1st birthday and LOVED it, so we got one for Ben, too.
Taylor, picking flowers in Ben's yard.
Michael, pushing around his new favorite toy, a stuffed skunk from McDonald's. He calls it, "Kitty"; Mike calls it "Stinky." And, that's not a dirt speck on your screen. He has yet another boo-boo on his big noggin.Alright, off to bed now.
Until next time,
Mommy Kel