Well, like the last zillion weeks (it seems anyway) that sums up our life right now. It's not a bad thing (well, except for the cold weather. Boo. Hiss.), just getting a tad bit monotonous. I'm just ready for warmer weather, as I'm sure most people are!
Hurricane update - Mike's team closed out their regular season with a 50-something to 18 win over the conference champion from a couple seasons ago. Considering that there are 32 minutes in a basketball game, 18 points isn't very much. Their opponent also only made seven field goals and shot 17% from the field. I know that some of you aren't sports-minded, but I'm sure you all get the awfulness of that stat. Yeah, Mike kinda stresses defense, haha.
The beloved seniors after their last game in Wilmington's gym.
Taylor cheesing and Michael checking out the cheerleaders. Little booger!
We had a little post-game party at our house Friday night with coaches and some of the parents. It was nice to relax with friends. It seems I've developed a real fondness for wine. :)
Yesterday, Mike had two basketball meetings, one for the conference and one for the entire Southwest District. It's there that they vote and find out the coaches and players that make the all-conference and district teams. Sorry, details can't be revealed until after the season is over! Just a reminder, Mike's team has a first-round bye and plays the winner of Bellbrook/Little Miami in the second round of the sectional on March 4th at Lebanon High School. If they win, they play in the sectional final at noon on March 7th at the University of Dayton. Go Cane!
Because we haven't watched enough basketball lately, the kids and I went down to Cincy to watch my nephew Noah (he's 7) play. His team lost 5-4. Now there's some stellar defense, haha! My other cutie nephew turns 12 today. Happy Birthday, Jacob! The kid is already 5' 6" tall and quite the sports nuts. His basketball team is also doing really well this year! Before you know it, I'll be watching his high school games.
Now, on to my kids. Taylor is as fun as ever, but I think the cold weather is starting to drain on her as well. She's constantly talking about summer, swimming and vacation. I recently bought both kids a few things from the Gap (my favorite store) for our trip to Myrtle Beach in April and she couldn't wait to try on the warm-weather duds.
Doesn't see look all "big girlish" in her jean skirt and tank?
Michael is doing great, too. He runs all over the house now and has recently started trying to jump. He squats down and pops back up, but his feet don't leave the ground. It's hysterical! He's not a big fan of the camera, so I haven't caught it on film yet. Here are a few other shots from the week:
I love my puppy! He was the butt of a few fat jokes Friday night. :(Michael Man after swiping Taylor's jammies.
Taylor after defeating me in Pretty, Pretty Princess. Yes, the bear beat me, too.
I've gotta run. Have a good week!
Until next time,
Mommy Kel